December 1, 2017 - Dress Down Day
Post date: Nov 27, 2017 8:5:32 PM
The North Bergen Federation of Teachers will be holding a Dress Down Day on Friday, December 1, 2017 for Operation Agua. A month after Hurricane Maria devastated their island, most Puerto Ricans still have no reliable source of safe drinking water.
American citizens of Puerto Rico are facing a massive humanitarian crisis. More than a million people still lack running water—they are forced to find water in contaminated streams, collect it from runoff, even drink from toxic Superfund sites. And the danger is not over for those with running water; because water treatment plants are still not operational, tap water may be tainted with raw sewage.
But we—YOU—can help alleviate human suffering. Through The AFT’s Operation Agua, we are bringing water purification systems to Puerto Rican families and communities who are crying out for help.