UPDATE: Negotiations [November 29, 2016]
Post date: Nov 29, 2016 10:57:29 PM
Today, Tuesday November 29, 2016, negotiations between the NBFT and North Bergen BOE came to a standstill. The NBFT offered a salary guide within the parameters set by the BOE. It was REJECTED. The BOE's counteroffer was LOWER than the parameters they initially set for us. This is the SECOND time the BOE has LOWERED an offer they already gave us.Some of the money issues PRESENTED by the BOE was:
- a LOWERING of the $75 /hr TO $50 /hr for after school programs
- wanting to PHASE OUT the Master's +45 AND Master's +60.
As a result, the NBFT has put in an OPRA (open public records) request, asking for some of the Board's financial records. Based on the records the NBFT receives, we will determine whether a forensic audit is warranted.
A special newsletter will be put out next week with further explanations.